Sunday, January 3, 2016

IPT Malta: Level 33-34 updates (125,000/250,000/25,000)

For updates from level 29 to 32 please click here

8.34pm: Georgios Zisimopoulos wins IPT Malta for €142,205; Jaroslaw Sikora eliminated in 2nd place (€97,975)
Jaroslaw Sikora moved in for 3 million preflop and Georgios Zisimopoulos asked for a count.

"Ok, I call," said the Greek player.

Zisimopoulos: [Ah][4d]
Sikora: [Ad][Kd]

The flop came [6h][4s][2s] and neither player looked surprised despite the fact Zisimopoulos had jumped into the leader. The [Tc] turn changed nothing, only a king would do for the Polish player. The river was the [2c], the ultimate blank! Jaroslaw Sikora went out in second place winning €97,975 while Georgios Zisimopoulos takes the additional €28,000 set aside for the winner after the five-way deal. Stay tuned for a full recap of the event.


Jaroslaw Sikora

8.29pm: No change
The chip stacks haven't changed so far, Jaroslaw Sikora has few options at this moment. If he can get a double-up then that could all change.

8.20pm: Heads-up begins!
And our final two players begin their heads-up battle. It's going to be a tough slog for Jaroslaw Sikora, he starts with just 15 big blinds.

8.00pm: Break
There will now be a 20-minute break before the heads-up battle. Georgios Zisimopoulos will start with around 28.225 million to Jaroslaw Sikora's 3.725 million.

7.56pm: Nicolino di Carlo eliminated in 3rd place (€119,585)
Nicolino di Carlo opened to 500,000 preflop and Georgios Zisimopoulos made it 1.5 million, di Carlo moved in for 7.7 million and Zisimopoulos called.

Di Carlo: [9h][9d]
Zisimopoulos: [Ah][Jh]

The flop came [Ad][8s][3c] and Zisimopoulos jumped into the lead. The [4s] on the turn left Di Carlo with just one of two black nines to hit but the river was the [2s] - a true blank. The Italian, who was chip leader for much of the day, is out in third.


Nicolino di Carlo

7.43pm: Zisimopoulos dominating
Georgios Zisimopoulos raised to 500,000 preflop with [Ad][Qd] and Nicolino di Carlo made it 1.425 million in the small blind with [As][7s]. The Greek player responded by making a four-bet to 4 million and di Carlo quickly folded.

7.30pm: Level 34 - 125,000/250,000 (25,000)
Level up.

7.20pm: Michael Feil eliminated in 4th place (€101,260)
Michael Feil raised to 400,000 with [Ad][9c] and Georgios Zisimopoulos made the call with [Th][9s] in the big blind. The flop was [4s][9h][5d] and Zisimopoulos check-raised all in against Feil's continuation bet. Feil quickly called for his last 3 million.

The [Jh] on the turn help neither player but the river was the [Ts] to make Zisimopoulos two pair on the river. Zisimopoulos' chip lead is huge now, he has around 19 million of the 32 million in play. Nicolino di Carlo has about 9.6 million while Jaroslaw Sikora has the rest.


Michael Feil

7.03pm: Feil bluffed off nines
On an [Ah][8s][5s] flop, Michael Feil saw his 425,000 bet check-raised to 875,000 by Georgios Zisimopoulos. Feil had [9s][9c] and was ahead of the Greek player's [8d][6h] but Feil elected to fold.

6.38pm: Zisimopoulos retakes the chip lead
Nicolino di Carlo opend to 400,000 preflop with [7c][6h] on the button and Georgios Zisimopoulos called in the big blind with [Qs][Jc]. The Greek player check-called a bet of 350,000 on the [Kd][3c][Qh] flop and then another 575,000 on the [As] turn.

Zisimopoulos donk-led for just 200,000 on the [5d] river and di Carlo raised to 2.8 million. Zisimopoulos called instantly and the Italian was forced to show his bluff. Zisimopoulos regained the chip lead. He has nearly 14 milion in chips.


Georgios Zisimopoulos

6.30pm: Frederik Reusch eliminated in 5th place (€97,675)
Frederik Reusch shoved all in from under-the-gun for 3.7 million chips with [3s][3d], Jaroslaw Sikora called with [Ks][Kh] on the button. The board came [Ah][Ad][5c][Js][4h] and Sikora had Reusch covered. Sikora now has over 8 million.

6.21pm: Deal agreed
It appears the final five players have agreed a deal with €28,000 left for 1st place. Level 33 is finally under way.

Nicolino Di Carlo - €119,585
Georgios Zisimopoulos - €114,205
Michael Feil - €101,260
Jaroslaw Sikora - €97,975
Frederik Reusch - €97,675

6.05pm: Discussions still ongoing
Nothing has been decided yet. Nicolino di Carlo could not agree a deal with Frederik Reusch and Michael Feil

5.52pm: Further delay
The players are still attempting to hammer out a deal.

5.37pm: Still a break
The players are still working out a potential deal.

5.20pm: Level 33 - 100,000/200,000 (25,000)
It appears as if the players are taking an extended break to discuss a deal. Details to follow. Nicolino di Carlo leads at this point.

Nicolino di Carlo - 10,800,000
Georgios Zisimopoulos - 7,700,000
Michael Feil - 5,400,000
Jaroslaw Sikora - 4,300,000
Frederik REusch - 3,800,000


Nicolino di Carlo

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