Friday, January 1, 2016

FPS Monaco: Level 21-24 updates

4:59pm: Break time

Level 24 having concluded, the remaining players are now taking their second break of the day. For continuing updates from Day 3 picking up with Level 25, click here.

4:46pm: Floretin felted; Nakache knocked out

Shortly after the redraw to three tables, Enrico Florentin was eliminated in 24th. Just a moment later Patrick Nakache was all in with [As][3c] versus the [Kd][5d] of Florian Decamps.

Nakache was ahead before the flop, but the cards ran out [Jh][5h][2s][7s][Ks] to give Decamps two pair and knock Nakache out in 23rd.

4:28pm: Redraw to final three tables

They are now down to 24, and are pausing for a short while in order to redraw for new seats around the final three tables.

4:35pm: Gordillo gets more

The Pablo Gordillo train keeps rolling, as he's earned yet another knockout after flopping a set of treys and sending Muhamet Perati railward in 25th place. He's up around 2.5 million now, putting him ahead of Sebastien Supper and Manuel Martinez who have also built considerable stacks during this level. Jose Besalduch is also within close range of the leaders at present.

4:29pm: Treusch out

The start-of-day-2 chip leader Frederik Treusch has been eliminated in 26th.

4:25pm: Down to 26

Charbel Salloum (31st), Paul Delavache (30th), and Luca Dal Cerro (29th) have each hit the rail, followed shortly thereafter by Marius Cazacu (28th) and the last woman in the event, Daniela Parotti (27th).

3:56pm: Level 24 begins (12,000/24,000/3,000)

With 32 players left a new level has begun.

3:54pm: 32 remain

A spate of eliminations has cut the field down to 32, following the knockouts of Sylvain Berthelot (35th), Francis Alfred Klar (34th), and Joao Brito (33rd).


Joao Brito

3:43pm: Detournel done; Solosna surges

Xavier Detournel has met his end here during Level 23 following a big hand against Manuel Martinez.

A preflop raising war between the pair ended with a five-bet shove from Martinez and a call from Detournel, the latter putting in nearly 800,000 by the time they were done.

Detournel had [Ad][Qc] and needed to improve against Solosna's [Jd][Js]. But the board came [9d][2c][Ks][4h][2h] and Detournel is out. Meanwhile Martinez jumps to about 1.9 million and the apparent chip lead at present.

3:21pm: Parotti perservering

With 35 players remaining, Italy's Daniela Parotti is the last woman among those left. She's survived a couple of situations today after putting her short stack at risk and winning her all-ins. Parotti has a number of cashes in low buy-in events over the last several years, including one in an IPT Main Event at Campione.


Daniela Parotti

3:09pm: Suppa sent off; Monin mowed down

Two more eliminations begin the level, those of Raffaele Suppa (37th) and David Monin (36th).

2:56pm: Level 23 begins (10,000/20,000/3,000)

2:55pm: Updated chip counts (37 remain)

Pablo Gordillo (Spain) -- 1,800,000
Jose Besalduch (Spain) -- 1,600,000
Dean-Henri Taibi (France) -- 1,600,000
Romain Bier (France) -- 1,500,000
Sergio Braga (Brazil) -- 1,300,000
Sebastian Supper (Germany) -- 1,150,000
Manuel Martinez (UK) -- 1,105,000
Xavier Detournel (France) -- 1,080,000
Muhamet Perati (Italy) -- 900,000
Luca Moschitta (Italy) -- 770,000

Sylvain Berthelot (France) -- 700,000
Gilles Silbernagel (France) -- 700,000
Guillaume Branellec (France) -- 650,000
Frederik Treusch (Germany) -- 550,000
Michael Ferrari (USA) -- 545,000
Alessandro Bardaro (Italy) -- 540,000
Enrico Fiorentin (Italy) -- 530,000
Charles Vidal (France) -- 520,000
Alexandre Rivero (Brazil) -- 500,000
Florian Decamps (France) -- 490,000

Joao Brito (Portugal) -- 475,000
Julien Valentin (France) -- 470,000
Evangelos Kokkalis (Greece) -- 460,000
Luca Dal Cerro (Italy) -- 400,000
Joseph Mouawad (USA) -- 400,000
Charbel Salloum (Lebanon) -- 380,000
Marius Cazacu (Romania) -- 380,000
Lionel Lacolas (Italy) -- 330,000
Daniela Parotti (Italy) -- 315,000
Amerigo Santoro (Italy) -- 280,000

Sergio Castelluccio (Italy) -- 270,000
Pierre Malfay (France) -- 245,000
Patrick Nakache (France) -- 230,000
David Monin (France) -- 225,000
Francis Alfred Klar (Germany) -- 200,000
Paul Delavache (France) -- 200,000
Raffaele Suppa (Italy) -- 115,000

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Pablo Gordillo's leading stack

2:32pm: Break time

They've reached the first break of the day with 37 players now remaining. Back soon with updated chip counts on those who are left.

2:28pm: Hung-Tu Wang out

Hung-Tu Wang has been knocked out in 38th.

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Hung-Tu Wang

2:23pm: Schaeffer sunk, Aghazada gone

Wilfried Schaeffer has gone out in 40th, followed thereafter by Umid Aghazada in 39th.

After a fast start early, Aghazada's fortunes swiftly turned. His day is now done after having bluffed big on a six-high flop with [Jd][8h] only to run into Xavier Detournel's pocket sixes for a set. Aghazada is out while Detournel is up to 1.4 million.

2:04pm: Nanev knocked out

Rumen Nanev has been eliminated after putting the last of his chips at risk with [Qd][7d] versus Marius Cazacu's [Kc][Qs]. A [5h][Js][3h][3d][Jd] board ended Nanev's day in 41st place, while Cazacu is still below the average with about 425,000.

1:54pm: Sigh for Sy -- Abou runs ace-queen into ace-king, is eliminated

La Maison Du Bluff star Abou Sy's impressive run has come to an end early in today's second level after losing the last of his chips to Pablo Gordillo.

Sy's fall came shortly after Quentin Pasdelou went out in 43rd. Following a Gordillo open, Sy shoved all in from the cutoff for his last 180,000 and when it folded back around Gordillo called. Sy had [Ad][Qd], but had run into Gordillo's [Ah][Ks]. The flop came [2s][7d][Kc] to pair Gordillo, and by the [9h] turn Sy was already drawing dead to finish in 42nd.

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Abou Sy

1:44pm: Franco falls, Besalduch bounds up to 2 million

Sonny Franco just lost a huge hand versus Jose Besalduch that began as a three-way affair, then saw Franco all in on the flop with top pair of queens versus the two pair (queens and jacks) of Besalduch.

The latter's hand held, and as Franco goes out in 44th place Besalduch is now up around 2 million to grab the current chip lead.

1:32pm: Level 22 begins (8,000/16,000/2,000)

There are 44 players remaining. Start-of-day leader Dean-Henri Taibi now sits with about 1.45 million, although it looks like Umid Aghazada has moved past him into first position at present with about 1.5 million.

1:27pm: Kurdin cut down, Brinkenhoff busts

Vasily Kurdin has been ousted in 46th.

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Vasily Kurdin

Shortly after Kurdin's bust, Michael Brinkenhoff fell in 45th in a hand versus Dean-Henri Taibi.

After opening from late position, Brinkenhoff watched Taibi reraise from the blinds, then after thinking a short while pushed all in over the top for his last 270,000 or so.

Taibi thought about a half-minute then called, turning over [9s][9c]. Brinkenhoff had two overs with [Kh][Tc], but a [Jc][6c][8d][3h][5d] board brought no help for him and the Californian departs in 45th.

1:21pm: Mattern moves on

EPT4 Prague champion Arnaud Mattern has been eliminated after falling in a hand versus Hung-Tu Wang. Mattern started the day with a short stack, then finally found a hand worthy of risking it with ace-king. He needed to improve against Wang's pocket queens, but the board brought no help and Mattern is out in 47th place near the end of the day's first level.

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Arnaud Mattern

Wang moves up to about 900,000 after that hand.

1:20pm: More eliminations

Several more have fallen in rapid order: Cedric Louard (54th), Sergey Kudryavtsev (53rd), Jean-Michel Ploch (52nd), Emmanuel Murgia (51st), Anthony Mathieu (50th), Faustus Korn (49th), and Aleksandr Denisov (48th).

1:07pm: Short stacks surviving

The last few all-ins have produced several double-ups.

Alexasandr Denisov has doubled through Umid Aghazada after his pocket sevens held versus the latter's [As][Ks].

Sylvain Berthelot managed to survive with [Kh][Tc] against Vasily Kurdin's [Ad][Qs] when a king came among the community cards, pushing Berthelot back up close to 300,000 and knocking Kurdin down under 100,000.

And Wilfried Schaeffer has doubled through Frederik Treusch. Schaeffer's [Ad][Jd] proved best against Treusch's two black kings when an ace flopped and the hand held.

12:53pm: Early knockouts

Three short stacks have already been eliminated during the first couple of orbits today -- Reynald Trunsard (57th), Fadi El Hany (56th), and Chrisophe Malaurie (55th).

Malaurie fell in a hand versus Sonny Franco after shoving his last 200,000 or so with pocket nines and running into Franco's pocket tens. Now 54 players remain.

12:32pm: Level 21 begins (6,000/12,000/2,000)

Cards are in the air!


Day 3 of the FPS Monaco Main Event begins

12.29pm: Shuffle up and deal

The 57 remaining players have taken their seats around eight tables in the far corner of the main tournament room, with Dean-Henri Taibi the chip leader (1.325 million). Jose Besalduch (1.218 million), Romain Bier (1.198 million), and Sergio Braga (1.183 million) are Taibi's nearest challengers to start the day.

Key FPS Monaco Main Event Facts:
- The tournament is scheduled to play down to the eight-handed final table
- Click here for a full list of chip counts among the 57 players starting Day 3
- The top 143 finishers are cashing; click here for an updated list of payouts

To get all the latest news, chip counts and payouts, don't forget to download the EPT App on both Android or IOS.

Martin Harris is Freelance Contributor to the PokerStars Blog.

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