Monday, June 22, 2015

vizquel17 victorious, earns over $213K in 11/24/13 Sunday Million


It was another big Sunday Million this week with 7,107 entrants into the weekly $215 buy-in tournament, the most popular in online poker. That meant a big prize pool of $1,421,400 -- well over the $1 million guarantee -- to be split by the top 1,080 finishers. It would take exactly 12 hours for the tournament to play out, with vizquel17 of Israel ultimately emerging as the winner to claim a big $213,214.40 payday.

Just over five hours after the tourney began, the money bubble burst with Pippa83, ___HotTunà__, and 05Devais07 sitting atop the counts with 1,080 players remaining.

Almost exactly five hours after that the field had been whittled down to 18 players sitting around the last two tables. By then 05Devais07 had been eliminated in 662nd (for $397.99), Pippa83 was out in 278th ($596.98), and ___HotTunà__ had just gone out in 35th ($2,956.51).

Among those also hitting the rail during that stretch were Team PokerStars Pro Liv Boeree (459th, $454.84), Team Online member Mickey "mement_mori" Petersen (605th, $412.50), and Team PokerStars Pros Jake Cody (908th, $312.70) and Vanessa Selbst (928th, $312.70).

Meanwhile it was El major :D in first position with a big stack of almost 11.5 million, with elpipsi87 the nearest challenger with just over 8.2 million.

It would take more than an hour for nine more to fall. 100mile (18th), Armand2011 (17th), and Ullsen187 (16th) each earned $3,979.92 for their finishes. 2rich4u4eva (15th), GASpeer (14th), and JohnDoe00000 (13th) made $5,898.81 apiece. And MyMilkCans=D (12th), QazMiNowPlz (11th), and Teddygram902 (10th) took away $7,871.70 each.

With the tourney about 11 hours and 15 minutes old and elpipsi87 having moved into the top spot with more than 21 million, the final table was underway.


Seat 1: ki92 (Austria) -- 6,646,058
Seat 2: decamps (Norway) -- 3,910,848
Seat 3: jahwise (United Kingdom) -- 4,466,268
Seat 4: elpipsi87 (Belgium) -- 21,021,974
Seat 5: olekasper (Norway) -- 3,234,399
Seat 6: Bluf_To_Much (Moldova) -- 12,396,696
Seat 7: DeLaBijen (Netherlands) -- 5,877,342
Seat 8: vizquel17 (Israel) -- 8,725,798
Seat 9: El mejor :D (Portugal) -- 4,790,617

Not long after the final table got going, the blinds were 250k/500k when El mejor :D open-raised all in for 3,290,617 from the cutoff seat and it folded to decamps in the small blind who called all in for 2,586,449. jahwise was in the big blind and having both players covered called as well, and the three players showed their hands.

decamps: [7c][7s]
jahwise: [9h][9d]
El mejor :D: [Qc][9c]

El mejor :D was the only one without a made hand to start, but after the [5s][Kc][Kh][8c][Jc] board El mejor :D had improved to a winning flush to win the hand and survive. Meanwhile decamps was out in ninth.

The 11-and-a-half-hour break came and went, and almost 10 minutes went by in which no players eliminated. Then came a rapid barrage of knockouts that saw the tournament come to a rapid close within 20 minutes.

The blinds had increased to 300k/600k when the first one of those eliminations took place. After an elpipsi87 open to 1.2 million from under the gun, it folded to El mejor :D on the button who reraise-shoved for 5,917,683. The blinds folded, then elpipsi87 quickly called, turning over [Kd][Kc] to El mejor :D's [Tc][Ts]. The board ran out [As][Ad][9s][Jc][Kh], giving elpipsi87 a full house and ending El mejor :D's tourney in eighth.

Just two hands later it was jahwise shoving for 2,655,888 from the button with [Kc][3h] but getting called by olekasper who woke up in the big blind with [Kd][Ks]. The flop came [Kh][5h][3s], pairing jahwise twice but giving olekasper top set, and after the [Qd] turn and [7h] river they were down to six.

A few minutes after that they'd made it to the next level where the blinds were 400k/800k, which is where DeLaBijen open-raised all in for 7,598,212 from UTG, then ki92 called all in for 6,312,822 from a couple of seats over. The others folded, DeLaBijen showed [6s][6h] and ki92 was hoping to improve to survive with [Ah][Ks].

Alas for ki92, the flop came [5s][Qh][6d] to give DeLaBijen a set of sixes, and the [9h] turn made the [3d] river no matter, knocking ki92 out in sixth.

Just a minute later elpipsi87 was open-shoving for almost 9.6 million from under the gun and vizquel17 called from the big blind. vizquel17 had the edge before the flop with [Ac][Td] versus elpipsi87's [As][7s], and five cards later -- [Ts][3c][2d][2c][2h] -- vizquel17's hand was still best and elpipsi87 was eliminated in fifth.

That hand signaled the start of an avalanche of chips headed vizquel17's way, as the new chip leader would soon be knocking out the last three challengers to claim the Sunday Million title.

First it was vizquel17 min-raising to 1.6 million from the button, then olekasper reraising all in for 4,827,767 from the small blind and vizquel17 calling. olekasper had [6h][6s] and vizquel17 [Tc][7c], and when the community cards came [7d][5d][Jh][9c][5h] vizquel17 had the better two pair and olekasper was done in fourth.

Moments later, DeLaBijen open-pushed for 8,932,070 from under the gun and only vizquel17 called from the small blind. DeLaBijen had [Ah][3h] and vizquel17 [4h][4c]. The board came [Jc][7h][2s], then [8d], then [3d], and DeLaBijen was out in third.

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Suddenly heads-up play was starting, with vizquel17 way out in front with 63,789,453 to Bluf_To_Much's 7,280,547. vizquel17 won an initial small hand, then the end swiftly arrived on the second hand between the pair.

The blinds were up to 500k/1m, and after Bluf_To_Much pushed for 6,300,547 from the button with [Jh][9c], vizquel17 snap-called with [As][Js]. The board came [3s][6s][2d][5c][Kh], and just like that vizquel17 had claimed the last of the chips and the win.

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Congratulations to vizquel17 for outlasting more than 7,000 players to win this week's Sunday Million and a cool $213,214.40 first prize -- close to 1,000 times the tourney's buy-in!

11/24/13 Sunday Million ($215 No-Limit Hold'em) results

Players: 7,107
Prize pool: $1,421,400.00
Places paid: 1,080

1. vizquel17 (Israel) -- $213,214.40
2. Bluf_To_Much (Moldova) -- $156,879.91
3. DeLaBijen (Netherlands) -- $113,712.00
4. olekasper (Norway) -- $75,334.20
5. elpipsi87 (Belgium) -- $58,277.40
6. ki92 (Austria) -- $44,063.40
7. jahwise (United Kingdom) -- $30,560.10
8. El mejor :D (Portugal) -- $17,056.80
9. decamps (Norway) -- $11,015.85

Speaking of big returns on investment, check out the official MicroMillions 6 page for results from all 100 events in the popular series that concluded on Sunday.

Martin Harris is Freelance Contributor to the PokerStars Blog.

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