Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Eureka4 Prague: Level 25-28 updates (40,000/80,000/10,000)

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For updates on levels 21-24 click here

For a full recap of the day's action, please click here.

9.00pm: Chip counts
Atanas Malinov, Bulgaria, PokerStars qualifier, 6,675,000
Jonas Mackoff, Canada, PokerStars player, 4,030,000
Vladimir Velikov, Bulgaria, 3,810,000
Endre Sagstuen, Norway, PokerStars player, 3,610,000
Lucas Blanco, Spain, 3,380,000
Ayman Zbib, Lebanon, 2,945,000
Athanasios Xenodochidis, Greece, 2,610,000
Periklis Charmpilas, Greece, PokerStars player, 2,555,000
Balasz Botond, Hungary, PokerStars player, 2,460,000
David Novak, Czech Republic, 2,325,000

8.51pm: Last three hands
The players have just finished the last three hands of the day which passed without incident. Tomorrow there will be a redraw.

8.46pm: Not so good for Mackoff
A couple of unlucky pots for Jonas Mackoff. First he had to chop a pot with J♥5♠ against Lucas Blanco's J♣8♠ after Mackoff bet both the flop and turn of a J♦5♣T♠6♥ board. Both checked the 6♠ river and Mackoff's two pair was counterfeited.

A couple of hands later and Mackoff opened to 175,000. David Novak moved all in for 870,000 and the Canadian called.

Novak: K♣Q♦
Mackoff: K♠T♦

The board came 7♣8♣Q♥K♦6♠ and Novak doubled up.

8.29pm: Velikov doubles up
Vladimir Velikov moved all in for 1,015,000 from late position and Endre Sagstuen called on the button, both the blinds folded.

Velikov: A♣2♠
Sagstuen: 9♠9♦

The board came Q♦4♠3♦3♠A♦ and Velikov rivered an ace to stay alive as Sagstuen had to simply roll his eyes and sigh.

8.14pm: Pavel Chalupka eliminated in 11th place (€19,200)
Pavel Chalupka moved all in for 800,000 from early position and Periklis Charmpilas made the call. Chalupka turned over A♣9♥ but Charmpilas held Q♣Q♦ which stayed ahead after a 4♥5♠Q♥2♣J♥ board. Just ten players remain.


Into the last level for some hardcore chip accumulation

8.03pm: Level 28 - 40,000/80,000 (10,000)
This is the final level of the night.

7.55pm: Daniel Erlandsson eliminated in 12th place (€16,800)
Swedish player Daniel Erlandsson is out, he previously had lost a big flip with to Sarikaya's earlier and was crippled before being knocked out just a few moments ago.

7.40pm: Olivier Decamps eliminated in 13th place (€16,800)
Back-to-back big pots for Lucas Blanco. First he doubled up with 8♥8♣ against David Novak's A♥K♦ with the board coming 2♥9♥5♣3♠Q♣. The Czech player was left with 1.25 million

The very next hand saw Olivier Decamps shove in the small blind for 375,000 and Blanco made the call.

Decamps: K♦6♦
Blanco: T♠9♠

The board came 5♦8♣6♠Q♠J♥ and eventually Decamps couldn't dodge all the bullets. Blanco is up to 2.3 million and 12 players are left.

7.21pm: Dmytko Samoilenko eliminated in 15th place (€14,700); Cetin Sarikaya eliminated in 14th place (€14,700)

Dmytko Samoilenko was all in preflop against Jonas Mackoff and Cetin Sarikaya. The J♦T♠5♠, Sarikaya checked and Mackoff bet 115,000 before his Turkish opponent made it 315,000. Mackoff made the call to see the 6♠ on the turn. Sarikaya moved all in and Mackoff instantly called.

Mackoff: A♠8♠
Sarikaya: Q♠Q♣
Samoilenko: J♠8♥

The river was the 2♥ which changed nothing. Mackoff moved up to 5.9 million and knocked out both other players.

7.14pm: Gabriel Chiva eliminated in 16th place (€12,800)
Gabriel Chiva is out, he was all in with but couldn't beat belonging to Atanas Malinov.

7.09pm: Novak doubles up
David Novak limped preflop and Ayman Zbib made it 230,000 on the button. Novak flat-called to see a 5♥5♠Q♥ flop which he checked. Zbib moved all in and Novak called instantly.

Novak: A♦A♣
Zbib: A♥Q♦

The 7♦ turn and 2♦ river changed nothing and Novak moved up to 2.1 million while Zbib dropped to 2.9 million.

6.59pm: Chip counts
Chip counts at the end of level 26 are here.

6.56pm:Level 27 - 30,000/60,000 (10,000)
The tournament will be playing to the end of level 28 or the final table of eight players.

6.41pm: Break time
Players are on their final break of the day.


Atanas Malinov won a lot of big pots over the last level

6.40pm: Sammartino out
Atanas Malinov is starting to bulldozer his way through the field. Dario Sammartino shoved for 674,000 after a limp and Malinov reshoved behind him, getting the limper to fold. Sammartino held K♠T♦ but Malinov's K♥Q♥ dominated both preflop and after a board of Q♠J♣K♦4♣6♥. Malinov moved to 6 million.

6.33pm: Calonnec eliminated; new chip leader
Atanas Malinov limped preflop and then Franck Calonnec shoved for 600,000 in the blinds, Malinov called with A♦9♠ and Calonnec's 6♣6♦ was racing for the Frenchman's tournament life.

The board came 7♦3♦9♥K♠7♠ and Malinov won the pot. The Bulgarian has 5.4 million now.

6.17pm: No dinner break
Tournament director Luca Vivaldi has just informed both the players and the press that there will be no dinner break. Instead there will a normal 15-minute break followed by two more levels. At that point, if the final table has not been reached then play will end for the night.

The reason for this is that the players have already had two very long days and that by the start of level 29, the average stack with just eight players would be 45 big blinds. Given that the tournament has been moving at a fairly brisk pace, the floor staff feel comfortable in finishing relatively earlier tonight and restarting tomorrow at 12.00pm CET with however many players are left.

6.00pm: Two more gone
Bartosz Zialkowski and Cedric Demore have both been eliminated to leave just 18 players left now in the Eureka4 Prague Main Event.

5.41pm: Pyzara eliminated
Kacper Pyzara shoved for his last 400,000 preflop with T♣9♣ and Balasz Botond made the call with A♦J♣. The board came 8♠8♥5♥3♥K♥ and Botond's ace-high was still good, Botond now has three million. Just 20 players remain.

5.30pm: Level 26 - 25,000/50,000 (5,000)
The tournament is now on the sixth level of the day.

5.24pm: Malinov wins big against Charmpilas
Periklis Charmpilas fired a bet of 105,000 on a 9♣3♦5♠ flop and Atanas Malinov made the call to see the K♠ on the turn. Charmpilas bet again, this time to the tune of 185,000 and Malinov called once more. The river was the 5♥ and Charmpilas checked, Malinov bet 575,000 and Charmpilas made the call.

The Bulgarian turned over K♣Q♥ and scooped a huge pot. He has about three million now while Charmpilas dropped to 1.1 million.


Periklis Charmpilas lost one of the biggest pots so far today

5.10pm: Chiva penalised
Gabriel Chiva just received a one-round penalty for exposing his hand. With action having already happened Periklis Charmpilas had mucked his cards but accidentally thrown them past the dealer and into Chiva's hand. Charmpilas told a member of the floor his hand and she checked for the cards but did not see the ones the Greek player had told her. Chiva complained and then turned over two aces claiming this had been his hand. As a result for deliberately exposing cards, the Romanian got a one-round penalty.

5.00pm: Przysucha out
Atanas Malinov raised to 80,000 preflop and was called by Olivier Decamps before Jan Przysucha moved all in for about 600,000 behind him. Malinov moved in as well and Decamps quickly folded.

Przysucha: A♥3♣
Malinov: 9♥9♣

The board came T♥4♠J♠8♦8♠ and the Czech player was eliminated in 23rd place. Cezar Chivulescu and Ivan Sebeledi are also both out.

4.45pm: Papadopoulos out; three-table redraw
Alexandros Papadopoulos three-bet all in from the blinds against Ayman Zbib and the latter made a fairly quick call.

Papadopoulos: K♠Q♠
Zbib: A♥T♣

The board came 5♥K♣A♦6♣4♣ and the Greek player was knocked out. 24 players remain.

4.40pm: Botond coolered
Endre Sagstuen just made quads on an A♦K♦K♣Q♦K♠ board with K♥J♥ and was all in on the river. Balasz Botond made the call on the end and flashed the A♠ when he saw the bad news. Sagstuen is up to about 2.4 million while Botond has about 820,000 remaining.

4.35pm: Updated chip counts
The complete chip counts from the end of level 24 are now up here.

4.30pm: Level 25 - 20,000/40,000 (5,000)
The fifth level of Eureka4 Prague is underway. Jonas Mackoff is the chip leader.


Jonas Mackoff has all the chips

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Read More... [Source: PokerStarsBlog.com :: Eureka Poker Tour]

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