Saturday, January 9, 2016

LAPT9 Bahamas: Main Event final table updates

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1:38pm: Ismael Bojang eliminated in 8th place ($28,900)
Level 28 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (10,000 ante)

Ismael Bojang open-raised from early position and it folded around to Darren Elias in the big blind. Elias asked how much the shove was for -- 430,000 -- then made the call.

Bojang had [7d][7h] and was hoping to fade Elias's [Ad][2h], and was successful doing so through the [9h][5h][Kc] flop. But the turn was the [As], then the river brought the [Ah] to improve Elias to trips and send Bojang out in eighth place.

Elias has about 2.1 million now. There is 20 minutes left in the level, after which will come the first break of the day.

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Ismael Bojang - 8th place

1:38pm: Sotiropoulos surge
Level 28 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (10,000 ante)

Taylor Von Kriegenbergh opened for 140,000 from middle position and got three callers in leader Georgios Sotiropoulos (cutoff), Darren Elias (small blind), and Will Molson (big blind).

The flop came [4h][3d][9s], and it checked around to Sotiropoulos who bet 255,000. Only Elias called. Both checked the [4c] turn, then the [9h] river put a second pair on board. At that Elias bet 150,000, and after some thought Sotiropoulos called.

Elias had [6c][6s], but Sotiropoulos had that pipped with [7h][7d] and he took the pot. Sotiropoulos had just won a decent-sized pot off of Joe Kuether, and is now pushing up toward the 5 million-chip mark. Meanwhile Elias has about 2 million, and Kuether sits with just under 1.7 million.

1:21pm: Final table underway!
Level 28 - Blinds 30,000-60,000 (10,000 ante)

Without much of a break they've moved into Level 28 and the official final table has begun, with Georgios Sotiropoulos still leading the way and Darren Elias next in line in chips. Meanwhile, Ismael Bojang is now the short stack.

Here again are approximate counts as they get started:

Seat 1: Ismael Bojang -- 520,000
Seat 2: Taylor Von Kriegenbergh -- 1,950,000
Seat 3: Knut Karnapp -- 805,000
Seat 4: Georgios Sotiropoulos -- 3,800,000
Seat 5: Joe Kuether -- 2,500,000
Seat 6: Darren Elias -- 2,950,000
Seat 7: Will Molson -- 1,950,000
Seat 8: Chad Eveslage -- 1,850,000

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The LAPT9 Bahamas Main Event final table

1:08pm: Luc Greenwood eliminated in 9th place ($22,920)
Level 27 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

In the very last hand of Level 27, Luc Greenwood open-raised all in with his last 620,000 or so from under the gun, then Taylor Von Kriegenbergh reraise-shoved from a seat over and everyone else got out of the way. The players tabled their cards, and Greenwood winced a little at the sight of what he was up against.

Greenwood: [Jh][Jd]
Von Kriegenbergh: [As][Ah]

The board brought five babies -- [4s][2d][5d][3c][3d] -- and Greenwood hits the rail in ninth. There will be a short pause in play as they ready for the official eight-handed final table. Stay tuned!

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Luc Greenwood - 9th place

1:01pm: Nine left
Level 27 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

As they near the end of Level 27, the final nine are now gathered around a single table. Here's a look at who's sitting where, along with approximate counts for each:

Seat 1: Ismael Bojang -- 705,000
Seat 2: Luc Greenwood -- 620,000
Seat 3: Taylor Von Kriegenbergh -- 780,000
Seat 4: Knut Karnapp -- 975,000
Seat 5: Georgios Sotiropoulos -- 3,550,000
Seat 6: Joe Kuether -- 2,300,000
Seat 7: Darren Elias -- 2,700,000
Seat 8: Will Molson -- 2,180,000
Seat 9: Chad Eveslage -- 1,700,000

12:51pm: Andre Akkari eliminated in 10th place ($18,900)
Level 27 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

With Ismael Bojang and Luc Greenwood both battling to survive with short stacks over on Table 10, it was Andre Akkari also repeatedly pushing in his short stack on Table 9, and the Brazilian became the one to get called and be eliminated first.

After open-pushing his last 600,000 or so from the button, Akkari watched Joe Kuether quickly call from the big blind. Akkari had [7c][7d], but he'd run into Kuether's [Qs][Qh], and after the board came [Ac][4d][Th][As][Jc], Akkari was knocked out in 10th. Kuether now has about 2.3 million.

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Team PokerStars Pro Andre Akkari - 10th place

They are drawing and reassembling around a single nine-handed table now, with both Bojang and Greenwood sitting on stacks of around 650,000.

12:38pm: Akkari the short stack
Level 27 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

Andre Akkari has become the short stack after a little more than half an hour of play today, and just now open-raised his 490,000 all in from the button, earning himself the blinds and antes and a small boost to his stack.

Andre Akkari -- 620,000

12:30pm: Molson doubles through Eveslage
Level 27 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

After a Chad Eveslage open from the cutoff, it folded to Will Molson in the small blind who reraised all in for his last 875,000. Action returning to Eveslage, he called right away.

Molson: [Js][Jh]
Eveslage: [Ac][Qs]

The board brought five low cards, coming [3h][9s][8h][2c][7c] -- and Molson survived.

Will Molson -- 1,700,000
Chad Eveslage -- 975,000

12:23pm: Bojang doubles through Greenwood
Level 27 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

It folded to Ismael Bojang in the small blind who raised all in with his short stack, and Luc Greenwood instantly called.

Bojang had [Js][3c] while Greenwood had [Ac][Td]. The [Jd][4h][Qc][5h][7h] board proved favorable to Bojang, giving him a pair of jacks and the double-up.

Luc Greenwood -- 1,100,000
Ismael Bojang -- 1,040,000

12:21pm: Elias earns from Kuether
Level 27 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

With about 600,000 in the middle and the board showing [4c][3d][Td], Darren Elias checked, Joe Kuether bet 200,000, then Elias announced he was check-raising all in with the 1.3 million or so he hand behind.

Kuether thought about a minute, then let his hand go. The pair are now roughly even chip-wise.

Darren Elias -- 2,150,000
Joe Kuether -- 2,120,000

12:16 pm: Greenwood shoves, Eveslage lets it go
Level 27 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

After an under-the-gun open to 110,000 from Chad Eveslage, it folded around to Luc Greenwood in the big blind who thought for about a half-minute before announcing he was reraising all in. Eveslage instantly let his hand go.

12:08pm: Shuffle up and deal
Level 27 - Blinds 25,000-50,000 (5,000 ante)

The first hands of the third and final day of the LAPT Bahamas Main Event are being dealt. They are playing at two five-handed tables at the moment. With the next elimination, they'll combine to form a single nine-handed table.

11:59am: Moments away!

From an 851-entry field just 10 players remain, led by Georgios Sotiropoulos who built a stack of nearly 4 million before play concluded last night. Here's how the final 10 will be seated and the stacks they'll be sitting behind when play gets going shortly:

Table 9
Seat 2: Taylor Von Kriegenbergh (USA) -- 1,020,000
Seat 3: Andre Akkari (Brazil)-- 1,275,000
Seat 4: Darren Elias (USA) -- 2,040,000
Seat 5: Joe Kuether (USA) -- 2,530,000
Seat 7: Georgios Sotiropoulos (Greece) -- 3,975,000

Table 10
Seat 1: Luc Greenwood (Canada) -- 1,175,000
Seat 3: Chad Eveslage (USA) -- 1,685,000
Seat 4: Knut Karnapp (Germany) -- 1,345,000
Seat 6: Will Molson (Canada) -- 1,350,000
Seat 7: Ismael Bojang (Austria) -- 710,000

Stick close as we'll be providing coverage all day long to see who among this group wins the trophy and becomes the first LAPT Main Event champion of Season 9.

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Take a look at the official website of the PCA, with tournament schedule, videos, news, blogs and accommodation details for the Atlantis Resort in The Bahamas.

Also all of the schedule information is on the EPT App, which is available on both Android or IOS.

Martin Harris is Freelance Contributor to the PokerStars Blog.

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